Wednesday, November 16, 2011

a favorite place

Do you have a favorite place?  I don't know if I can pick just one, but one of my favorite places has to be my parents kitchen table.

This is the place where we sat as a family every night as long as I can remember for family dinner.  It was something my parents were big on.  The only time we were excused from dinner was for sports or work once we were in high school.  My mom always prepared dinner, and we were always there to enjoy it.  I can't imagine what people do who don't eat dinner together every night.

Most of the time we talked about our days and caught up with what was going on.  Sometimes we just ate in silence because we all had so many things to do.  Either way, I can't imagine my days without dinner at the kitchen table.

Now when I go home, I love sitting around the table for basically the same reason.  We talk, we eat, we laugh, and we have a great time.  It is the perfect place to catch up with the family and feel exactly like I did every night growing up.

What's your favorite place?

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