Thursday, July 21, 2011

goodbye Borders

I love bookstores.  So much so, that I worked for Borders Books and Music for a little over a year while I was in college.  Yes, some may say that I'm a nerd, or a geek, or a bookworm, but that's okay.  I embrace it and even talk about it pretty often.

This week it was announced that all Borders stores will be closing by the end of September.  I honestly almost shed a tear when I read this in the paper.

Books to me are something that I cannot get enough of.  There was a time when I was trying to figure out if I could read books and get paid for it I like them so much.  I then realized that there are very few jobs like this and with a nice teaching job like I am lucky enough to have it would be a little crazy to make an attempt at something that might not end so well.

I love a good book.  When I read one I can't help but tell others about it and I love getting recommendations from friends.  I like fun beach reads, serious family stories, Harry Potter, historical fiction and non-fiction, and young adult novels that I get to read with my class.

Thinking about the idea that bookstores might someday not be necessary makes me so sad.  I love technology, don't get me wrong, but I need to have a book in my hands.  I love to smell the pages. 

Confession:  I go into bookstores and smell pages of books.  I almost always buy some books too, but sometimes I just smell them.

Borders, you will be missed and I am so sad to see you go.  Buy books and read them!  I don't want to have to read stories to my children someday only from a computer.  I want them to love the smell and feel of books just as much as I do.  I will most definitely be making as many trips as I can to my local Borders before it closes just so I can say goodbye and support the printed word.

Buy a book and read and tell all your friends to do the same!

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